TriedButLost deleting home issue
TriedButLost 18 September 2024 22:59 459
3 month(s) ago

Bug Summary:

Issue: Inconsistent behavior with the /delhome command.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Set a home location using /sethome home.
  2. Type /delhome home to delete the home location.
  • When typing /delhome home, the system responds with an error message: home home doesn't exist, even though the home is the home name.
  • Typing /delhome prompts the message: Please specify a home name (e.g., /delhome name).
  • Despite the error message from /delhome home, the /home home and /home commands still successfully teleport me to the correct home location.

Expected Behavior:

  • /delhome home should correctly delete the home location without throwing an error.


3 month(s) ago


  • /removehome

SpunjeeOfficial | Staff

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